Contact information



Bruchkampweg 5
29227 Celle/Germany


Get in touch

    I have taken note of the Data protection declaration. I consent to my details and data being collected and stored electronically in order to respond to my enquiry. You can revoke your consent at any time in the future by emailing

    Sales Enquiries

    Direct Sales international


    Mr. Robert Prätz

    Rellok Inquiries

    Mr. Christian Stäb

    Business Development

    Mr. Ingo Kruse

    Service after sales
    Google Maps

    Mit dem Laden der Karte akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Google.
    Mehr erfahren

    Karte laden

    Our compliance reporting system

    Compliance and integrity are a high priority in our company. To be able to detect compliance violations and avert damages for our company, staff and business partners, we are reliant on your help. Should you notice any signs of a compliance violation, we offer you the following contact options, also anonymously if desired:

    In writing or by e-mail to:

    Koller Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH
    Compliance Department
    Bruchkampweg 5
    29227 Celle

    Your data are collected, processed and used in compliance with data protection regulations. All indications of compliance violations are handled confidentially by us and examined carefully. Proven misconduct is punished consistently and appropriately.